
It issued under the I

Today it seems really welldeserved reputation, but this ... ...

"You,re big now also see Altman?"

Lin Ye stare at the back of the original meaning Liuzhuokoushui * Mr Chen quickly recovered.

"Reports of police officers, we are poor child, no matter how poor the kind of poor that can not be, watching other children watch cartoons, we can only stare in the

distance, and often been discriminated against." Immersed in the past memory, a look of sadness. Beat his breast.

"Now we qualified, and live well, and childhood dreams can not be completed, it can also be achieved ... ..."

"Got them." Lin Ye can not help but scoff and quickly waved, Listening to Mr Chen is case, almost back to breathing. Looked at Mr Chen said: "do not see you more than

taking also full of powerful."

"As the twentyfirst century, new youth, to revitalize the country is economic mission, but every day we listen to the teachings of Brother Hu, study Jiang is speech ...

Uncle ..."

"Paused paused."

Lin Ye are checked at this time Chen issued blanket, did not find anything, not toward the letter issued by the two bedrooms Chen walked.

See this situation, Chen made the look on his face white brush, put a large print stays in the doorway into the life and death to prevent forest leaves his clothes in

the bedroom display.

Swallowed hard, cold sweat fly from his head, think to myself: Yeah, it issued under the I, Chen fame I really want to put an end to this note in the hands of a bitch.

"How?" Lin Ye Chen looked at his face Stern, hair, front, said: "Get out! Do not hinder the police in the execution of public! I want to search for your bedroom!"

But Mr Chen refused to get out of life and death.

Lin Ye Lengheng soon put up a fighting posture, one leg like a hair Pilai Chen, Chen made the brain

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